Mark Lusky, President
Strategy. Implementation. Content.
Mark “officially” has 47 years of writing, public relations, advertising, marketing and journalism experience – starting with a Regional Marketing Director position for Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus.
He founded Mark Lusky Communications, now a registered dba of Lusky Enterprises, Inc., in 1982. He co-founded Lusky Enterprises, Inc. in January 2004. A former reporter, Mark has been published in The Denver Post, Rocky Mountain News, The Denver Business Journal and a variety of trade publications in industries ranging from technology and travel to nutraceuticals and printing. He wrote a history of the First National Bank of Denver contained in the book Rocky Mountain Gold by Thomas Noel; helped write and edit Remaking America – The Values Revolution by Dr. Paul Knott; and collaborated on the memoirs of the late Dr. Abraham Kauvar, onetime health department chief in Denver and New York City, and father of the nation’s neighborhood public health clinic system. He has written monthly columns for the Denver Business Journal, ColoradoBiz Magazine, LoDo News and The Denver Post. He currently authors a Customer Service column in Label & Narrow Web magazine and publishes a Customer Service blog as The Happy Curmudgeon. |